Customer Provided Garments Policy



100 garments per style per design for screen printing, embroidery, and DTF transfers. No exceptions. 


SMPLFD Printing is a custom retail print shop that specializes in the production of soft goods via screen printing, embroidery, vinyl, heat transfers, and DTG.

Contract screen printers, which we are not, receive jobs from other printers & businesses to do the printing for them. The shop simply prints the work, with the rest of the necessary work & garments handled by the 'middleman.'

To be clear, purchasing your own blanks to provide for printing is not contract printing.

Contract screen printing, in our opinion, is often a race to the bottom...with quality being thrown out for the lowest pricing.

Here at SMPLFD Printing, our business model is focused around the highest quality printing & garments; while providing a safe, eco-friendly, fair-pay work environment.

To provide this service, we do pad our garment prices to cover the proper handling & care for your jobs. Our pricing matrices were built on the profits that come with the sourcing of garments for our customers. This is an industry standard for non-contract print shops, and it's something that allows us to stay competitive.

Still want to provide your own garments? Read on.


  • You're not saving any money by providing the garments, as printing & embroidery costs are adjusted for jobs like this.
  • You're taking on more risk due to potential higher 'spoilage' and damages.
  • Full payment is due at drop off.
  • Items have to be counted and sorted before delivery.
  • Customers supply a breakdown of colors, sizes, and styles.
  • No individually bagged items.
  • No reprints.
  • Misprints over the spoilage rate only incur a credit for the print cost (not the garment cost).
  • The shop isn't responsible for manufacturer defects.


There is also an added $20 screen charge per screen/color. This is reduced to $15/color for repeat jobs.


All jobs with supplied garments carry a 5% allowable defect rate (or 2 garments; whichever is greater). That means that min 2 garments or up to 5% (all fractions are rounded up) of your order may be damaged, destroyed, lost or for any reason whatsoever not returned to you. While this is rare, with our normal average spoilage around 1.75%, misprints do happen.


If you provide 100 hoodies, there's a chance that you'll only receive 95 back. Again, this is rare but it does happen.

So, if your job requires a specific number of garments please plan & order accordingly.

PROCESS OVERVIEW – see detailed information in following sections below.

Note: fees may apply for unlabeled shipments, mixed shipments, or difficult to process shipments.

  • Submit your garments for inspection via email (
    -Send garment brand, garment type, garment blend (ie 100% cotton), and garment colors
    -You may be asked to provide a sample to us for further review
  • Garments are approved for production
  • Send a complete and accurate accounting of the garments to be printed to SMPLFD Printing customer service (
  • Ship / deliver garments to SMPLFD Printing, labeled with your name, invoice number or PO number


All customer supplied garments must be reviewed and approved by a manager before we accept them for printing. For known garment manufacturers and brands, the garment manufacturer and style number or a link to the garment is sufficient.


If garments are of unknown origin or if we have questions about the garments, then they must be inspected in person before we accept the job for product. We reserve the right to reject any garments for production. We look at the following criteria when inspecting garments prior to production.

  • Are there multiple types of garment styles or materials? Inspect all.
  • What material is the garment made of out?
  • Is the garment camouflage or other dyes that like to migrate?
  • Does the garment stretch?
  • Is the garment ribbed?
  • Can the requested decoration type be applied to this garment?
  • Is customer requesting to print over the seams?
  • How many layers does the garment have? 1 or 2?
  • Will the print fit onto all of the requested garments?
  • Will the garment fit onto the necessary platen?
  • How expensive is the garment?


Customer supplied garments must be shipped or delivered to us in the following manner. Failure to do so may result in fees or delays to your order:

  • Send your customer service representative a complete and accurate accounting of the garments to be shipped to SMPLFD Printing. This is as simple as sending us the invoice from your vendor.
  • Garments must be shipped to us with your name and company name, the Printavo invoice number or your PO number clearly labeled on the carton(s). If you are using a PO number, you must supply the customer service person with your PO and ensure that it is listed on your work order.
  • Garments for multiple invoices or POs must be separated into separately labeled cartons. Do not mix orders into the same cartons.
  • Garments must be provided to us unbagged.


Your Name / Company Name + PO 12345
SMPLFD Printing
2905 Beaufait St.
Detroit, MI 48207


  • Unmarked shipments create delays in the production process.
  • Orders received without proper tracking information creates additional overhead on receiving and office staff.
  • Bagged garments require additional time to process for our receiving staff.


  • Failure to send us accurate counts or mark your orders correctly may result in a charge of $25 per order.
  • We do not adjust the cost down for if there is a shortage on your order and you supply us with incorrect counts.
  • Bagged garments carry a charge of $.25 per garment for unbagging.

Questions? Please call/text us (313.285.9564) or email

Get your free quote now

2905 Beaufait Street

Detroit, MI

Weekdays, 8:30-5:30PM

  • 313.285.9564


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